Sunday, December 4, 2016

New Wally Birds

We just received several new Wally Birds from Bur Oak Pottery. All pieces by Bur Oak are hand sculpted in stoneware, then fired in a wood fired kiln with a salt glaze. The heads are movable and removable to store treasures inside! Each piece is mounted to a hand turned painted wooden base.

 Eavesdropping Bird - 13" tall - This inquisitive fellow keeps an ear open and leans over to catch everyone's conversations.

 Conspiring Bird - 16" - Plotting and planning come naturally to this large beaked bird. Shady deals are in the works when he is around.

 Confident Bird - 16" - Upright, loyal and true are the watchwords for this balding fellow.

Blue Bird - 16" - With his large rounded beak, this pleasant fellow never misses a meal.

Here are the other members of the flock that are currently available:

Large Owl - 20.5" tall - The grand daddy of them all. This owl is tall, stately, full of knowledge, and ready to share his wisdom with all.

 White Owl - With his snowy plumage, this dapper fellow is sure to stand out in any crowd.

 Contented Bird - 10.5" tall - Happy and at ease with everyone, this sprightly fellow is ready for any adventure that comes his way.

 Leopold - This commanding fellow has a no nonsense attitude to life.

 Sly Bird - 10.5" tall - The petite, quite birds find all the best bird seed.

Cunning Bird - 10.25" tall - This plump fellow knows where all the worms are, but he is keeping this knowledge to himself.

Platypus Jar - 13.5" tall - Not strictly a Wally Bird, this jolly fellow is ready to plunge off his pedestal and go for a swim.

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