Sunday, March 20, 2022

20" Waterlily on Cattail Base

As the weather begins to change, we look forward to warm summer days and the flowers and blooming water plants that will lift our spirits. In anticipation of the coming spring and summer, we decided to create a 20" Waterlily shade for our studio showroom.

Irwin began composing the layout using a piece of Lins glass for the water portion of the lamp. We have had this sheet of glass since the 1990's and it has an unusual color mix of steely teal and mottled swampy green/off white. The mottled green lily pads were next selected, followed by the flowers.

As is usually the case with floral designs, Irwin chose the horizontal borders and flower center colors last. These are the accent colors that tone the shade and pull the composition together. The waterlily flowers are a luscious mix of velvety purples and pinks, creating an overall color effect that is saturated and lush.

The shade is shown on the sculptural Cattail base. A wide splay of bronze lily pads anchors the base to the table, while intricately detailed cattail leaves ascend around the central body of the base. The shade is supported by a bronze ring held by four arms. The combination of shade and base become an illuminated sculpture. 

We began this lamp to be a showroom piece, but it was acquired by a local client who happened to stop into the studio during the layout stages.

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