Thursday, July 4, 2019

Lamp of the Week:

With just under 2000 individual pieces of glass, the 22" Laburnum shade takes close to 300 hours to complete. The Laburnum has the unique feature of being lobed, which in combination with the irregular lower edge, gives the lamp a heightened three dimensional quality. The shade is shown on the Twisted Vine table base (24.5" tall)
The shade represents a flowering Laburnum tree, and the design begins at the top with dense foliage and branches. At the crown of the shade, a deep cerulean blue sky compliments the mix of lush greens and warm brown tones. A smattering of blossoms begin to appear among the branches, the trailing flower clusters becoming denser on the lower three quarters of the shade. Bright yellow, deep yellow, light and dark amber, and yellow tinged with green have been skillfully blended together to play off the leaves and lighter azure tones of the sky. This lamp was completed in early 2018 for a client in Florida.

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