Sunday, April 4, 2021

This Week At The Studio


We began a highly productive week at the studio by receiving an eagerly anticipated shipment of glass from the Youghiogheny Opalescent Glass Company. The 80 sheets of glass we ordered were carefully packed in wooden crates at the factory and shipped by truck. Since our studio is storefront and does not have a loading dock, our glass shipments are always delivered to the sidewalk in front of the studio. Weighing in at over 400lbs each, the two crates were a bit too heavy for us to move into the studio unopened so we unpacked them on the sidewalk. Carrying each sheet into the studio, we stacked the glass around the showroom until the crates were emptied. Phase two involved viewing each sheet on our light tables before assimilating the glass into our glass storage racks which are sorted by color. Receiving glass is always an exhilarating experience that gets us excited to get to work on upcoming projects.

In addition to finishing several commissioned lamp bases and fixtures, we are also coming close to completing a 22" Dragonfly shade for a client. Irwin is shown soldering the interior of the shade which will be completed soon. Waiting in the wings, we have a large geometric shade foiled and ready for soldering once the dragonfly is completed.

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